Elvis In The 70´s - 28 Great SongsElvis In The 70´s - 28 Great SongsDie Doppel-CD "Elvis In The 70´s - 28 Great Songs" ist die CD-Veröffentlichung der gleichnamigen australischen Doppel-LP aus dem Jahre 1975.

Die CD ist auf 500 Stück limitiert und beinhaltet neben den 28 Songs der Originalveröffentlichung 18 weitere.

Inhalt - CD 1:
Burning Love - We Can Make The Morning - Until It’s Time For You To Go - You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me - Mama Liked The Roses - It’s A Matter Of Time- I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry - It’s Impossible - Separate Ways - Never Been To Spain - American Trilogy - My Way - Help Me Make It Through The Night - Snowbird - Kentucky Rain - Patch It Up - There Goes My Everything - For The Good Times - You Gave Me A Mountain - Fools Rush In - Don’t Think Twice It’s Alright - Steamroller Blues - Life - Polk Salad Annie - Only Believe

CD 2:
It’s Only Love - Welcome To My World - Johnny B Goode

The Alternates:
Burning Love (Undubbed Master - Take 6) - Only Believe (Brass & string Overdub Master) - It’s A Matter Of Time (Undubbed Master Take 5) - Life (Undubbed Master - Take 20) - For The Good Times (Harmony Vocal Overdub Master) - Separate Ways (Unedited - Take 25) - My Way (Take 3) - Kentucky Rain (Take 7) - Snowbird (Harmony  Vocal Overdub Master) - Help Me Make It Through The Night (Spliced Take) - Mama Liked The Roses (Vocal Overdub NA-1) - Polk Salad Annie (11.08.1972 - Las Vegas) - Steamroller Blues (20.03.1974 - Memphis) - Never Been To Spain (Live) - There Goes My Everything (Take 1) - You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me (Undubbed Master) - Until It’s Time For You To Go (Undubbed Master  Take 8) - It’s Only Love (Undubbed Master - Take 10)

Quelle: Elv75.BlogSpot.Com

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