Die erste Ausgabe (No. 310) des niederländische Elvis-Magazin "It´s Elvis Time" ist in der Anküdigung und berichtet über "The Making Of King Creole" (FTD), "The Girl Happy Sessions" (FTD) bzw. "Elvis - The Last Tours" (FTD).
Weitere Themen:
- Sommer 1970: RCA Studio B / Nashville
- TV-Auftritte 1956
Lesevergnügen bieten
u. v. m.
Quelle: ItsElvisTime.Nl
Nummer 47 des Magazins "Vintage Rock" enthält neben Elvis auf dem Cover den Artikel "Elvis Is Back! Inside The Make-Or-Break 1960 Album That Changed The King´s Life Forever".
Weitere Themen:
- Jerry Lee Lewis: Our Essential Guide To The Killer´s Finest Releases
- Larry Williams: A Walk On The Wild Side With The Bad Boy Of Rhythm & Blues
- Little Richard: The Georgia Peach´s Indelible Influence On The Rockin´ Scene
u. v. m.
Quelle: VintageRockMag.Com
Diskutiert diesen Artikel im Forum (1 Antworten).Das nächste Magazin "Elvis: The Man And His Music" des Jahres 2025 erscheint dieser Tage und beinhaltet wieder interessante Themen rund um Elvis.
- Lawton, Oklahoma, June 23rd 1955
- There´s A Man In New Orleans ...
- The Movies: A British View - Part 3
- Missing In Action: Elvis And The 1973 Voice Demos
- Tuscaloosa, November 14th 1971
u. v. m.
Quelle: NowDigThisMagazine.Co.Uk
ISBN: 9798307242728Paul Belard veröffentlichte am 26.02.2025 sein nächstes Buch unter dem Titel "Elvis 58: November" und diese kündigt er wie folgt an:
"The second month of Elvis in Germany was spent at the U. S. Army Training Area in Grafenwohr, Bavaria, in winter maneuvers. Grafenwöhr is a town in the district Neustadt, in the region of the Upper Palatinate in eastern Bavaria, Germany.
Effective on November 27, 1958, Elvis was promoted to Private First Class. This rank was symbolized by one chevron on each sleeve."
Quelle: Verschiedene
Diskutiert diesen Artikel im Forum (1 Antworten).ISBN: 9798309093687 Dieser Tage erschien Volume 2 in der Buch-Reihe "Elvis: October 1958" von Paul Belard, welches 222 Seiten hat und mit folgenden Worten angekündigt wird:
"When all his soldier’s duties were completed, Elvis got a three-day leave and joined his father, his grandmother, Red West and Lamar Fike at the Ritters Park Hotel in Bad Homburg.
Being Elvis, he started to date as soon as he arrived in Germany. This time, it was Margit Buergin, a typist. They saw each other for a few months.
At the end of the month, Elvis and his dependents left this hotel for a health spa located in Bad Nauheim, the Hotel Grunewald."
Quelle: Verschiedene
Diskutiert diesen Artikel im Forum (1 Antworten).Elvis UK - Compact: Volume 2 - The Ultimate Guide To Elvis Presley´s British CD Releases 1983 - 2005
Volume 2 aus der "Elvis UK"-Reihe mit dem Untertitel "The Ultimate Guide To Elvis Presley´s British CD Releases 1983 - 2005" ist in der Ankündigung und wird u. a. mit folgenden Worten angekündigt:
"Volume 2 opens with CD 170 and concludes with CD 422. As with Volume 1, apart from minor changes to the layout and revised cover artwork, the print copy edition will contain exactly the same content as the downloadable, digital flip book version (entitled Elvis UK3 The Ultimate Guide To Elvis Presley’s British CD Releases 1983-2005), first issued in early 2021. Nothing has been added; nothing omitted.
This trilogy of books represents the first major attempt by anyone to chronicle in exhaustive and painstaking detail the rise of Elvis’s compact disc releases from 1983 onwards – cross-referenced, where relevant, with vinyl versions. And while focused on UK releases, there is a huge amount of overlap with other territories – especially Europe - which makes it of major interest to Elvis collectors throughout the world. "
Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com
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