Auf 300 Stück ist das mit einem Booklet und 5 CDs bzw. 1 DVD versehene Set "Elvis Sings 'If I Can Dream'" limitiert, erschien dieser Tage und ist wohl ein Re-Release des Sets "'68 Comeback Special: TeeVee Treasures - Elvis' 68 Comeback Special: TeeVee Treasures - Elvis" bzw. der DVD "I´m Saved".

Inhalt - CD 1 - The Original Mono Album - The Outtakes - 20.06.1968:
Nothingville / Guitar Man (Part 1 - Guitar Man´s Evil Section 1) - Let Yourself Go (Part 1 - Guitar Man´s Evil Section 2) - Guitar Man (Part 2 / Escape Section 1 - Fast) - Callope Carnival (Escape Section 2) - Big Boss Man (Escape Section 3) - It Hurts Me (Part 1 / Escape Section 4)

CD 2:
It Hurts Me (Part 2 - After Karate Section 1 - 21.06.1968) - Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child / Where Could I Go But To The Lord / Yes, Yes, Yes / Up Above My Head (Intro - Gospel Section 1 - 21.06.1968) - Up Above My Head / I Found That Light / Sved (Intro - Gospel Section 2 - 21.06.1968) - Trouble / Guitar Man / Guitar Man Opening (22.06.1968) - If I Can Dream (Record Version - 23.06.1968) - Memories (Vocal Overdub - 24.06.1968) - It Hurts Me (Vocal Overdub & Playback Amusement Pier Part 2 - 27.06.1968) - Trouble / Guitar Man (Vocal Overdub Of After Karate Section 3 - 29.06.1968 6pm Show) - Trouble / Guitar Man (Vocal Overdub Of After Karate Section 3 - Guitar Man With Road - 29.06.1968 8pm Show) - Guitar Man (Vocal Overdub Road #2 - 30.06.1968) - Guitar Man (Vocal Overdub Road #3 - 30.06.1968)

CD 3:
If I Can Dream (Vocal Overdub - 30.06.1968) - Trouble / Guitar Man (Vocal Overdub & Playback Opening Section #1 - 30.06.1968) - Guitar Man (Vocal Overdub - Alley - 30.06.1968) - Little Egypt / Trouble (Vocal Overdub - Nightclub - 30.06.1968) - Trouble (Vocal Overdub - Disco - 30.06.1968) - Trouble (Vocal Overdub - Supper Club - 30.06.1968)

Bonus Songs:
Memories (Vocal Overdub) - Saved (Part 1) / Preach For The Sky / Saved (Part 2 - Gospel Section 3 - 22.06.1968)

CD 4 - Soundtrack Versions:
Road Medley Composite - Gospel Medley Composite - It Hurts Me (Spliced Master) - Saved (Spliced Master With Edited Intro) - Trouble / Guitar (Stereo Version) - Tag - Uh Uh Uh (30.06.1968)

CD 5:
The Original Singer Commercials - The ´68 Comeback Radio Special (One-Hour Radio Special - August 2008)

I´m Saved (A Different Perspektive On The 1968 Comeback Special With Elvis´ Own Comments)

Quelle: EMail

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