MRS10002073MRS10002073Neben der LP "Elvis - Las Vegas, On Stage Februar 1973" erscheint am 26.06.2024 auch ein 4 CDs umfassendes Set mit gleichem Titel und einem 36 seiten starken Booklet.

Das Set enthält die Proben vom 25.01.1973, die Midnight Show vom 02.02.1973, die Dinner Show vom 03.02.1973 und die Midnight Show vom 03.02.1973 aus dem Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas.

Inhalt - CD 1 - 25.01.1973 Rehearsals:
Something - You Gave Me A Mountain - Steamroller Blues - My Way - Love Me - It's Over - Blue Suede Shoes - I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry - Welcome To My World - I'll Remember You - Long Tall Sally / Whole Lotta Shakin´ Goin On - American Trilogy - A Big Hunk O' Love - I'm Leavin' It All Up To You - Faded Love - I Can't Stop Loving You - Separate Ways (Band) - Separate Ways (Band & Orchestra) - Bridge Over Troubled Water - Can't Help Falling In Love

CD 2 - 02.02.1973 MS:
Also Sprach Zarathustra - See See Rider - I Got A Woman / Amen - Until It's Time For You To Go - Sweet Caroline - Steamroller Blues - You Gave Me A Mountain - Fever - Love Me - Blue Suede Shoes - Love Me Tender - Johnny B. Goode - Hound Dog - What Now My Love - Suspicious Minds - Band Introductions - I Can't Stop Loving You - An American Trilogy - Can't Help Falling In Love

CD 3 - 03.02.1973 DS:
Also Sprach Zarathustra - See See Rider - I Got A Woman / Amen - Until It's Time For You To Go - You Don't Have To Say You Love Me - Steamroller Blues - You Gave Me A Mountain - Fever - Love Me - Blue Suede Shoes - Love Me Tender - Johnny B. Goode - Hound Dog - What Now My Love - Suspicious Minds - Band Introductions - I'll Remember You - I Can't Stop Loving You - An American Trilogy - Can't Help Falling In Love

CD 4 - 03.02.1973 MS:
Also Sprach Zarathustra - See See Rider - I Got A Woman / Amen - Until It's Time For You To Go - You Don't Have To Say You Love Me - Steamroller Blues - You Gave Me A Mountain - Fever - Love Me - Blue Suede Shoes - Love Me Tender - Johnny B. Goode - Hound Dog - What Now My Love - Suspicious Minds - Band Introductions - I Can't Stop Loving You - An American Trilogy - Can't Help Falling In Love

Quelle: PlasticHead.Com

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