Nach der Buch- / CD-Kombination "Elvis - The Best Of The British: The HMV Years 1956 - 1958" wird es am 05.09.2014 die Fortsetzung "Elvis - The Best Of British: The RCA Years 1957 - 1959 (Volume 2)" geben.
Das Buch wird 500 Seiten, über 1000 Illustrationen, unveröffentlichte Fotos und Chartplatzierungen beinhalten.
CD - Inhalt:
Teddy Bear - Loving You
Loving You:
Movie Trailer - Road Medley (Party / Teddy Bear / Got A Lot O' Livin' To Do / Hot Dog) - Mean Woman Blues (Unedited Stereo Master) - Party (Alternate Movie Lyrics) - Lonesome Cowboy (Composite)
Jailhouse Rock:
Movie Trailer - Jailhouse Rock (Movie Production Version) - Treat Me Nice (Laurel 101 - Take One) - Don't Leave Me Now (Everett Demo #2 - Take One) - Young And Beautiful (Movie End Version)
Kind Creole:
Movie Trailer - Turtles, Berries And Gumbo / Crawfish (Unedited Movie Opening Medley) - Steadfast Loyal And True (Movie Dialogue Version) - Lover Doll (EP Version) - New Orleans (Live Nightclub Version) - Doncha' Think It's Time
Don't - I Beg Of You - Wear My Ring Around Your Neck - I Love You Because (RCA LP version) - You're A Heartbreaker - I'll Never Let You Go
Bonus Songs - Songwriter Demo Recordings:
Teddy Bear (Vocal: Otis Blackwell) - Don't Ask Me Why (Vocal: Jimmy Breedlove) - Trouble (Singer Unknown) - Hard Headed Woman (Vocal: Jimmy Breedlove) - Wear My Ring Around Your Neck (Vocal: Gus Coletti)
Issued On All Three Formats (45rpm, EP & LP):
Santa Claus Is Back In Town
Elvis In Germany (01.10.1958) And Interview Edit - Elvis' Answer Machine
Quelle: ElvisWorld-Japan.Com