Am 30.03.2004 erschien das Original-Elvis-Album "Elvis Recorded Live On Stage In Memphis" mit den damals herausgeschnittenen Songs. Sie erschien im 7inch Format mit Booklet und vielen Fotos aus der Show.

Also Sprach Zarathustra - See See Rider - I Got A Woman - Amen - Love Me - Trying To Get To You - All Shook Up - Steamroller Blues - Teddy Bear - Don't Be Cruel - Love Me Tender - Medley: Long Tall Sally - Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On - Mama Don't Dance - Flip, Flop and Fly - Jailhouse Rock - Hound Dog - Fever - Polk Salad Annie - Why Me Lord? - How Great Thou Art - Suspicious Minds - Introductions by Elvis - Blueberry Hill - I Can't Stop Loving You - Help Me - An American Trilogy - Let Me Be There - My Baby Left Me - Lawdy Miss Clawdy - Funny How Time Slips Away - Can't Help Falling In Love - Closing Vamp

Quelle: ElvisWorldJapan.Com

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