Für den Oktober 2020 plant das Sammlerlabel "Follow That Dream" die Veröffentlichung "Elvis - The Something For Everybody Sessions" mit 4 CDs, 28seitigem Booklet, der "The Wild In The Country Sessions" und im bekannten "Sessions"-Format.

Inhalt - CD 1 - The Something For Everybody Sessions:
I Feel So Bad (Single A-Side - Chuck Willis)

Something For Everybody - The Album - Side 1 - The Ballad Side:
There’s Always Me - Give Me The Right - It’s A Sin - Sentimental Me - Starting Today - Gently

Something For Everybody - The Album - Side 2 - The Rhythm Side:
I’m Comin. Home - In Your Arms - Put The Blame On Me - Judy - I Want You With Me - I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell

Wild In The Country - The Masters (December 1960 Stereo Mixes):
Lonely Man (Single B-Side) - Wild In The Country (Single B-Side) - In My Way - Forget Me Never - I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell

The March 1961 Sessions:
I’m Comin’ Home (Take 1 - 2) - I’m Comin’ Home (Take 3) - I’m Comin’ Home (Take 4) - I’m Comin’ Home (Take 5) - I’m Comin’ Home (Take 6 - 7M) - Gently (Take 1 - 2) - Gently (Take 3) - Gently (Take 4) - Gently (Take 5/M) - In Your Arms (Take 1) - In Your Arms (Take 2/M) - Give Me The Right (Take 1) - Give Me The Right (Take 2) - Give Me The Right (Take 3 - 4/M)

CD 2  -  The March 1961 Sessions (Continued):
I Feel So Bad (Take 1) - I Feel So Bad (Take 2/M) - It’s A Sin (Take 1 - 2) - It’s A Sin (Take 3 - 4/M) - I Want You With Me (Rehearsal) - I Want You With Me (Take 1) - I Want You With Me (Take 2/M) - There’s Always Me (Take 1) - There’s Always Me (Take 2) - There’s Always Me (Take 3 - 4) - There’s Always Me (Take 5 - 9) - There’s Always Me (Take 10/M) - Starting Today (Take 1) - Starting Today (Take 2) - Starting Today (Take 3/M) - Sentimental Me (Take 1) - Sentimental Me (Take 2/M) - Judy (Take 1) - Judy (Take 2 - 3) - Judy (Take 4) - Judy (Take 5 - 7) - Judy (Take 8/M) - Put The Blame On Me (Take 1 - 2) - Put The Blame On Me (Take 3 - 4) - Put The Blame On Me (Take 5/M)

CD 3  -  The Wild In The Country Sessions:
Lonely Man (Take 1) - Lonely Man (Take 2 - 3) - Lonely Man (Take 4) - Lonely Man (Take 5 - 8) - Lonely Man (Take 9) - Lonely Man (Take 10 - 12) - Lonely Man (Take 13/M) - Lonely Man (solo, Take 1) - Lonely Man (Solo, Take 2 - 3) - Lonely Man (Solo, Take 4/M) - In My Way (Take 1) - In My Way (Take 2) - In My Way (Take 3 - 7) - In My Way (Take 8/M)

CD 4  -  The Wild In The Country Sessions (Continued):
Wild In The Country (Take 1) - Wild In The Country (Take 2 - 8) - Wild In The Country (Take 9 - 11) - Wild In The Country (Take 12 - 13) - Wild In The Country (Take 14) - Wild In The Country (Take 15 - 16) - Wild In The Country (Take 17 - 18) - Wild In The Country (Take 19/M) - Forget Me Never (Take 1) - Forget Me Never (Take 2) - Forget Me Never (Take 3/M) - I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell (Take 1 - 3) - I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell (Take 4 - 6) - I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell (Take 7 - 9) - I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell (Take 10) - I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell (Take 11) - I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell (Take 12 - 13/M) - I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell (Lower Key, Take 14 - 16) - I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell (lower key, Take 17 - 18/M)

Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com

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