"Follow That Dream", das offizielle Sammler-Label, veröffentlicht in seiner Session-Reihe das 5 CDs umfassende Set "Elvis: How Great Thou Art Sessions" nebst Booklet.

Inhalt - CD 1 - The Album - Masters:
How Great Thou Art - In The Garden - Somebody Bigger Than You And I - Farther Along - Stand By Me - Without Him - So High - Where Could I Go But To The Lord - By And By - If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side - Run On - Where No One Stands Alone

08.06.1966 - Single:
Love Letters - Come What May

24.10.1966 Spinout - Bonus Songs:
Tomorrow Is A Long Time - Down In The Alley - I'll Remember You

15.11.1966 - Single A-Side:
If Every Day Was Like Christmas

10.01.1967 - Single:
Indescribably Blue - Fools Fall In Love

Unused Recording:
Beyond The Reef (Original Overdubbed Master)

CD 2:
Run On (Take 1 - 2) - Run On (Take 3 - 6) - Run On (Take 7/M) - How Great Thou Art (Take 1 - 2) - How Great Thou Art (Take 3 - 4/M) - Stand By Me (Take 1 - 2) - Stand By Me (Take 3 - 7) - Stand By Me (Take 8 - 10) - Stand By Me (Take 11/M) - Where No One Stands Alone (Take 1) - Where No One Stands Alone (Take 2 - 3) - Where No One Stands Alone (Take 4) - Where No One Stands Alone (Work Parts 1 - 4) - Where No One Stands Alone (Work Part 5) - Where No One Stands Alone (Work Part 6) - Where No One Stands Alone (Splice Of Take 4 & 1/M)

CD 3:
Down In The Alley (Take 1) - Down In The Alley (Take 2 - 6) - Down In The Alley (Take 7 - 9/M) - Tomorrow Is A Long Time (Take 1 - 2) - Tomorrow Is A Long Time (Take 3/M) - Love Letters (Take 1 - 2) - Love Letters (Take 3 - 7) - Love Letters (Take 8) - Love Letters (Take 9/M) - So High (Take 1) - So High (Take 2 - 3) - So High (Take 4/M) - Farther Along (Take 1 - 2) - Farther Along (Splice Of Take 3 And One Line From Take 2/M) - By And By (Take 1 - 4) - By And By (Take 5 - 9) - By And By (Take 10/M)

CD 4:
In The Garden (Take 1 - 3/M) - Beyond The Reef (Take 1 - 2/M - Undubbed Master) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Take 1 - 8) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Take 9 - 11) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Take 12) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Take 13 - 15) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Take 16) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Work Parts 1 - 4) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Work Part 5) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Work Part 6) - Somebody Bigger Than You And I (Splice Of Take 16 And Work Part 6/M) - Without Him (Take 1) - Without Him (Take 2 - 8) - Without Him (Take 9 - 14) - Without Him (Take 15/M) - If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (Take 1) - If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (Take 2 - 4) - If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (Take 5/M) - If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side (Take 6) - Where Could I Go But To The Lord (Take 1 - 2/M)

CD 5:
Come What May (Take 1 - 2) - Come What May (Take 3 - 4) - Come What May (Take 5 - 6) - Come What May (Take 7) - Come What May (Take 8/M) - Fools Fall In Love (Take 1 - 4) - Fools Fall In Love (Take 5/M) - Indescribably Blue (Instrumental Track Take 7 And Work Parts 1 - 2) - I'll Remember You (Instrumental Track Take 17 - 19/M) - If Every Day Was Like Christmas (Instrumental Track Take 8 - 9/M) - Indescribably Blue (Vocal Overdub Take 1 To Instrumental Track 7 And Work Part 1) - Indescribably Blue (Vocal Overdub Take 2 To Instrumental Track 7 And Work Part 1/M) - I'll Remember You (Vocal Overdub Take 1 To Instrumental Track 19) - I'll Remember You (Vocal Overdub Take 2 To Instrumental Track 19) - I'll Remember You (Vocal Overdub Take 3 To Instrumental Track 19) - I'll Remember You (Splice Of Vocal Overdub Take 1 And 3 To Instrumental Track 19 Unedited/M) - If Every Day Was Like Christmas (Vocal Overdub Take 1 - 2/M To Instrumental Track 9 Undubbed/M)

Quelle: NowDigThisMagazine.Co.Uk

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