Die nächste Doppel-LP des "Follow That Dream"-Label heißt "Elvis In "It Happened At The World´s Fair" (DLP - FTD)", erscheint am 07.11.2022 (andere nennen den Oktober 2022) und beinhaltet auf 180g Vinyl Master bzw. Outtakes aus eben jenem Film.

Inhalt - LP 1 - Seite A:
One Broken Heart For Sale (Master) - They Remind Me Too Much Of You (Master) - Take Me To The Fair (Master) - I’m Falling In Love Tonight (Take 2 - 4) - Beyond The Bend (Take 1, 2) - How Would You Like To Be (Take 1)

Seite B:
A World Of Our Own (Master) - Relax (Master) - Cotton Candy Land (Take 1, 2, 4) - They Remind Me Too Much Of You (Take 4) - One Broken Heart For Sale (Take 2, 3, 1) - I’m Falling In Love Tonight (Master) - Happy Ending (Take 9)

LP 2 - Seite C:
Beyond The Bend (Master) - How Would You Like To Be (Take 2) - Take Me To The Fair (Take 4 - 7) - I’m Falling In Love Tonight (Take 5) - Happy Ending - They Remind Me Too Much Of You (Take 1)

Seite D:
Relax (Take 5, 6, 7) - Cotton Candy Land (Master) - Beyond The Bend (Take 3) - They Remind Me Too Much Of You (Take 6, 7) - How Would You Like To Be (Master) - I’m Falling In Love Tonight (Take 6, 7) - Happy Ending (Take 4, 5, 6)

Quelle: CultureFactory.FR

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