"Elvis - Fun In Acapulco" heißt die nächste Doppel-LP des Sammler-Labels "Follow That Dream" und diese beinhaltet Master bzw. Outtakes aus eben jenem Film.

Inhalt - LP 1 - Seite A:
Bossa Nova Baby (Take 10/M) - The Bullfighter Was A Lady (Take 4 - 6) - You Can’t Say No In Acapulco (Take 4) - Mexico (Take 1 & 2) - El Toro (Take 1) . Vino, Dinero Y Amor (Take 1) - Marguerita (Take 1)

Seite B:
Fun In Acapulco (Take 1/M) - Bossa Nova Baby (Take 1 & 2) - I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here (Take 1) - (There’s) No Room To Rhumba In A Sports Car (Take 1/M) - Mexico (Take 6) - The Bullfighter Was A Lady (Take 11 - 14 - Movie Version) - Guadalajara (Vocal Overdub Take 3 & 4)

LP 2 - Seite C:
You Can’t Say No In Acapulco (Take 5/M) - Vino, Dinero Y Amor (The Amigos - Café Version -Take 1) - I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here (Take 8 & 9) - Marguerita (Take 5 & 6) - Bossa Nova Baby (Take 3) - Bossa Nova Baby (Take 4 & 5) - Bossa Nova Baby (Take 6)

Seite D:
Mexico (Take 7) - The Bullfighter Was A Lady (Take 17/M - Movie Version) - Vino, Dinero Y Amor (Take 2 & 3) - I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here (Spliced Take 18 & 19 Master - Movie Version) - Bossa Nova Baby (Take 7 & 8)

Bonus Songs:
Witchcraft (Take 3/M) - Love Me Tonight (Take 6 - 8/M) - Slowly But Surely (Take 5/M)

Quelle: NowDigThisMagazine.Co.Uk

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