ISBN: 1501355384ISBN: 1501355384Von Eric Wolfson erscheint in der "33 1/3"-Buchserie am 12.11.2020 das 152 Seiten starke Buch "Elvis Presley's From Elvis In Memphis" bei "Bloomsburry Academic".

Ankündigung des Verlages:
"I had to leave town for a little while--" with these words, Elvis Presley truly came home to rock and roll. A little over month earlier he had staged rock's first and greatest comeback in a television program, forever known as "The '68 Comeback Special."

With this show, he resurrected himself--at the age of 33, no less--from the ashes of a career mired in lousy movies and even lousier soundtracks. So where to go from here?

Like a killer returning to the scene of the crime, Elvis came back home to Memphis, where it had all begun. Eschewing the fancier studios of Nashville and Hollywood, he set up shop at the ramshackle American Sound Studio, run by a maverick named Chips Moman with an in-house backing band simply known as "The Memphis Boys," and made the music of his life.

The resulting work, From Elvis in Memphis, would be the finest studio album of his career, an explosion of mature confidence and fiery inspiration. It was the sound of Elvis--and, in turn, rock and roll--grappling with adulthood in a teenage music, as sung by the person who shaped it more than anyone else."

Quelle: BloomsburryPopularMusic.Com

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