John Townson und Gordon Minto kündigen für den Sommer 2024 das 228seitige Buch "Elvis UK 78 r.p.m.: The Ultimate Guide To Elvis Presley’s British 78s 1956 - 1960" an und dieses wird wie folgt beworben:

"This soft-backed, newly-written, 228-page book, follows on from our highly successful previous publications in the 'Elvis UK' series, each of them acclaimed and much sought-after by collectors, and provides the ultimate guide to Elvis’s 78rpm releases issued in the U.K. between 1956-1960.

This new volume re-examines in scrupulous detail - and extends considerably - information relating to 78rpm releases included in our original book 'Elvis UK', published in 1987.

It includes a history of both the HMV and RCA releases, and alsoprovides a context for the 1950s pop scene. The book details the history of 78rpm releases in the U.K. generally, their popularityand importance as well as chronicling their subsequent (and rapid) fall from favor.

The boom discusses each 78rpm release individually, offering a detailed and forensic commentary on every release, while the extensive text is amply illustrated with scans of every known label and sleeve variation, relevant photographs, and scans of contemporaneous newspaper and magazine articles and adverts. It is extensively illustrated in full colour throughout, including a variety of images of Elvis himself and much more. "

Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com

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