Anfang Januar 2025 erscheint in der der "The Year In Review"-Reihe von "Elvis Day By Day" das 2024er Buch und dieses wird wie folgt angekündigt:

"In 1954, Elvis came crashing through the doors of popular music, and he hasn’t stopped rocking since. This new Elvis yearbook is the proof of that! Packed into a colorful 450 pages is all the relevant news of what happened in the Elvis world, it is a complete overview, guide, and reference book of Elvis from all corners of the world in 2024.

It features all the news, including a complete overview of the “new”:

  • Music, in Mono and Stereo, on CD and vinyl at 33, 45, and even 78 RPM.
  • Books and magazines.
  • Movies and TV specials as released on DVD, Blu-ray, and streaming services.
  • PLUS “Everything else Elvis” that mattered, skipping the nonsense.
Highlights include:
  • The true story about Dewey Phillips playing the ‘That’s All Right’ acetate on WHBQ in July 1954.
  • The scam to “steal” Graceland.
  • All the Sony, Follow That Dream, and bootleg releases, including the major deluxe box sets, books, and more.
  • Over 70 in-depth reviews, articles by well-known Elvis experts, and interviews with key people in the Elvis world.
  • The Mono to Stereo releases of Elvis’ SUN recordings, greatest hits, soundtracks, and live recordings.
  • An in-depth look at Lisa Marie Presley’s memoir as completed by her daughter Riley Keough.
  • All the stunning colored and “liquid” vinyl releases.
  • A complete chart and awards overview (a new addition this year!)
  • And, of course, some of the oddball Elvis releases that make collecting fun!"

From the “young man with the big beat,” it is a small step to Elvis’ former drummer, Jerome “Stump” Monroe, who provided the beat behind the King as part of the Elvis Presley Show in the seventies and wrote the foreword for this year’s edition. Seventy years after the release of Elvis’ debut single, “the beat goes on,” and that’s all right!"

Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com

Elvis Neuigkeiten

2025: Neuer Film von Buz Luhrmann?Das Elvis-Quiz

CD Neuigkeiten

Las Vegas International Presents: Elvis - January Thru February 1970 (DCD - MRS Camden)Las Vegas International Presents: Elvis - August 1969 (CD - MRS Camden)

Vinyl Neuigkeiten

Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock (LP - MM)Elvis Loves You (LP - MoV)

Elvis! Elvis! Elvis!

Roadtrip Amerika 2 (2. Staffel / 3. & 4. Folge)Serie: Tatort (2023 - Folge 1252)
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