2025 veröffentlicht Glen D. Hardin in Zusammenarbeit mit "Memphis Mansion" das Buch "On Piano, Glen D. Hardin - In His Own Words". Weitere Infos folgen!

"Glen D Hardin’s Book ‘On Piano’ is now available for pre-order and due out in Spring 2025.

If you purchase before 31st January 2025 you will get to have your name listed in the book (making this very special). Each Country will have their own coloured vinyl and we have chosen Yellow to match the TCB flash, this will have Glen’s first arrangement recording. It also comes with a signed photo making this an essential for the Elvis collectors and fans.

There will be 300 deluxe editions and each will be individually numbered.

(If you order after 31st Jan 2025, you will get the same listed Deluxe Edition but you will NOT have your name listed in the book.)"

Quelle: EMail

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