ISBN: 9798309093687 Dieser Tage erschien Volume 2 in der Buch-Reihe "Elvis: Okctober 1958" von Paul Belard, welches 222 Seiten hat und mit folgenden Worten angekündigt wird:
"When all his soldier’s duties were completed, Elvis got a three-day leave and joined his father, his grandmother, Red West and Lamar Fike at the Ritters Park Hotel in Bad Homburg.
Being Elvis, he started to date as soon as he arrived in Germany. This time, it was Margit Buergin, a typist. They saw each other for a few months.
At the end of the month, Elvis and his dependents left this hotel for a health spa located in Bad Nauheim, the Hotel Grunewald."
Quelle: Verschiedene