Von "Vintage Rock" kommt das Magazin "The Ultimate 1950s: Rock ´n´ Roll Comanion" mit Elvis auf dem Cover, den vorgestellten "Top 100 50s Tracks" und folgender Ankündigung:

"In this special issue, we profile the era's most seismic artists – from Elvis Presley to Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry to Little Richard – and we celebrate the decade's most revolutionary albums and singles.

Also in this special edition, we profile many of the 1950s' most revolutionary artists – Eddie Cochran, Johnny and Dorsey Burnette of The Rock'n'Roll Trio, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bo Diddley, Gene Vincent, Billy Lee Riley, Carl Perkins and more!

As well as that, we're counting down the Top 100 rock'n'roll singles of the 50s and remember that fateful day in February '50 when we lost Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper and Richie Valens."

Quelle: VintageRockMag.Com

Elvis Neuigkeiten

2025: Neuer Film von Buz Luhrmann?Das Elvis-Quiz

CD Neuigkeiten

Las Vegas International Presents: Elvis - January Thru February 1970 (DCD - MRS Camden)Las Vegas International Presents: Elvis - August 1969 (CD - MRS Camden)

Vinyl Neuigkeiten

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Elvis! Elvis! Elvis!

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