Ab dem 01.05.2024 kann man die beiden französischen Magazine "Rock & Roll Magazine - Rockabilly Generation: Elvis Presley 1935 - 1955 / L´Enfant Divin" ("Das Göttliche Kind") und "Rock & Roll Magazine - Rockabilly Generation: Elvis Presley 1935 - 1955 / Le King" über die Facebook-Seite der "Rockabilly Generation" für drei Wochen beziehen.
Quelle: fb.Com/RockabillyGeneration | ElvisDayByDay.Com
Quelle: YoursRetro.Co.Uk | ElvisDayByDay.Com
Neben vielen interessanten Themen beinhaltet das englische Magazin "Vintage Rock" in seiner 68. Ausgabe den Artikel "Colonel Parker: Hero Or Villain? A New Perspective".
Weitere Themen:
- Dion: The Blues Is My Foundation
- The Queen Of Rockabilly: Wanda Jackson
- The 75th Anniversary Of Fender´s Stratocaster
u. v. m.
Quelle: VintageRockMag.Com
Das Fan-Magazin "Golden Boy Elvis" ist in der Druckerei und erscheint Mitte März wieder mit interessanten Themen rund um Elvis.
- Authentic Elvis: The Style Of A King (#3)
- FTD Box: Now In Person 1972
- Day By Day 2023: Interview Kees Mouwen
- FTD Live: Summer Of `76
u. v. m.
Quelle: GoldenBoyElvis.De
Vom Verlag "a360Media" erscheint am 12.03.2024 das 100 Seiten starke Magazin "Elvis: '68 Comeback Special - A 55th Anniversary Celebration".
"For the first decade of the rock 'n' roll era, Elvis was unrivaled in fame, fortune, and importance. He was a sensation with virtually no precedent, but following a stint in the Army just when he was peaking, the focus of his career shifted from making dangerous music to mass-producing safe movies.
Then came the TV event that we now know as the “’68 Comeback Special.” It was originally supposed to be an hour-long ode to Christmas. What it became instead was a showcase for the power of Elvis—a rocket that not only launched Presley back onto the charts, but also fueled the rest of his life.
This is the story of that showcase—a mid-career milestone that mirrored Elvis’ miraculous rise to the top by breaking rules and rattling expectations."
Quelle: OverDrive.Com
Die 143. Ausgabe des englischen "Elvis: The Man And His Music" erschien dieser Tage und hat u. a. folgende Themen:
- "Elvis Now In Person 1972" Box-Set Review
- "He Touched Me" In Overview
- Moments In Time: 29.10.1957
u. v. m.
Quelle: NowDigThisMagazine.Co.Uk