Interview, Hawaii, November 1972

18 Juni 2007 02:20 #598795 von peter
Interview, Hawaii, November 1972 wurde erstellt von peter
Ihr kennt ja sicherlich das Interview von Elvis im November 1972. Es gibt ja auch ein paar kurze Ausschnitte davon, einmal auf der single version der Aloha DVD und ein weiteres kleines Stück davon auf der Import DVD Hawaii 1972, ich habe auch das komplette Interview bei mir Zuhause, jedoch ist die Tonqualität so schlecht das man zum Teil die Fragen und auch zum Teil die Antworten nicht versteht.

Meine Fragen wäre:

1. Hat jemand eine gute audioaufnahme davon (video wäre natürlich noch besser? :grin: ) ... und wenn ja, wo gibt es die?

2. Hat jemand das Interview in Schriftform, oder kennt jemand eine Website wo man das Interview nachlesen kann?

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18 Juni 2007 02:20 #730793 von Danke / Thanks
Danke / Thanks antwortete auf Interview, Hawaii, November 1972
1 Member already said Thank You!

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29 Dez. 2007 23:24 #646008 von peter
peter antwortete auf Interview, Hawaii, November 1972
Leider hat keiner geantwortet habe mir die Info dann anderswo besorgt (aus einem Buch abgetippt), möchte diese aber trotzdem hier mit euch teilen, also hier das komplette Hawaii Interview vom November 1972:

Date: November 20, 1972

Location: Honolulu, Hawaii

Event: Press conference announcing Aloha from Hawaii via Satellite show.

Media: I’d like to ask you…

I try to answer you.

Media: How do you like the HIC for location?

There couldn’t be a better place.

Media: How can you record the sound?

Well it’s not bad. We’ll work on it some more.

Media: On your worldwide telecast will you try and speak in all different languages or will you primarily stick to English?
It’s a big task, Elvis.

You’re not kidding. I’ll probably stick to English mostly. I’ve done some songs in Spanish and German but I don’t know yet.

Media: Elvis do you think your style has contributed anything to the new morality that we have today?

Media: … unclear… Thank you

Media: On the press release, do I read this right, at 12:30 A.M.?

That’s correct.

Associate: That is correct. The reason for that time, 12:30 A.M., is because we’re being beamed live around most of the world. Australia will be picked up at 7:30 local time, which is prime time in Japan. In Europe they will be viewing it at 12:30 P.M. in the afternoon. This is the reason for that particular time in Hawaii.

Media: What time will the tickets go on sale, for donations?

Associate1: We will leave that up to the gentlemen over here. Associate 2: We will announce the details of this in the very near future. It will give you all the details.

Media: Is this being broadcast live here? We’re wondering …

Associate: NBC has picked up the U.S. rights for the fifty states and we are currently negotiating to have it live, live here but it’s still open to negotiations at this time.

Col. Tom Parker: Mr. Roy Houston, I asked Mr. Tom Masten, the general vice president of all the hotels to give us a larger place. He couldn’t do it so he wants to make up for it by (donating??) to the Kui Lee Cancer Fund, so please … I had to use a little pressure but we got it.

Media: Elvis, I have a question. Colonel Parker has intimated in the past that you might be considering retiring at the peak of your career. It seems like reaching a million and a half … a billion and a half people at one time would be considered the peak. Does this bring you any closer to retirement?

Well I … that’s just a rumor because I go right into Las Vegas when I finish that.

Col. Tom Parker: I can answer that. Did you say it’s the peak of the career? We’ve got a long way to go yet.

Media: How long will the concert be?

Associate: One full hour.

Media: Elvis, for someone that has for the past seventeen years if not (longer) dominated all the charts, country, pop, rock – if not dominated, at least had a big factor in it for seventeen years – we have seen artists and other performers come and go, people of the magnitude of the Beatles. Yet Elvis Presley is right there for seventeen years. What do you think?

A lot of praying. I just … I like it…unclear…..

Media: Judging from your performance Saturday night (November 18) you have really gained and grown.

Thank you, I really like it. I enjoy live concerts.

Media: Is that part of the reason you decided to make this a live concert, the satellite telecast? It could have been in a studio but yet you chose live or some say live. Is that part of the reason?


Media: How long will you be in Hawaii this time, Elvis?

I will be staying here. I don’t know. I will be here about … just a few days.

Media: I have a question. You have a project to get a Kui Lee movie out. If feasible and you are offered a part, would you consider it? I think you are a natural, having been three times in Hawaii already.

I might, ‘cause everybody likes that song. I do it everywhere and everybody likes it.

Media: Mr. Presley, do you have any intentions about coming to Japan? If so, when?

Well, I go on satellite but as far as a personal appearance I don’t have any definite time. But I would like to come over there, I would like to really.

Media: Mr. Presley, how do you think about many Japanese fans who came to Las Vegas and those in Hawaii.

I love them

Media: What will the format be?

It’s hard to tell, it’s going to be a live show.

Media: Are you going to capitalize on the fact you are in Hawaii?

Well, not so much as doing a good show. I mean if they are good songs.

Media: Mr. Presley, have you bought any property in Hawaii?

No sir I haven’t

Media: previously someone asked you about your morality. Have you contributed to the morality. I noticed in your movie “Elvis On Tour”, and also in the HIC concert, you featured a gospel tune. You highlighted it. Is this commonplace with you and is there some significance behind it?

Well, it’s played a major role in my life, gospel music. I was around it and I liked it. A lot of times when we do concerts, after the concert we go up to the suite and sing all night long, just for the sheer enjoyment of it.

Media: Elvis, what kind of religious background do you have? There has been rumors that you have…. You hear a lot of things.

Well, I was brought up in the Assemblies of God, but I’ve studied a lot of books on religion.

Media: Elvis, how does marriage figure into your future?

There is really not much about it, to tell you the truth. I have a little girl three years old and it’s pretty hard to work the two together.

Col. Tom Parker: Okay gentlemen, we have a few words from Elvis’ friend Mr. Eddie Sherman.

I’d just like to say before anything else that it’s a great privilege to do this satellite program, and
I’m gonna do my … my best and all the people that work with me, to do a good show. It’s just pure entertainment, no do a good show. It’s just pure entertainment, no messages and no this and that, just try to make people happy for that one hour that it comes across. If we do that then I think we’ve done our job.

Eddie Sherman: I’d like to say it’s a pleasure following Elvis. Highlight of my life and I want to shake his hand and thank him for everything he’s done for Hawaii. For those of you who may not recall the Arizona Memorial there was a lot of publicity. It was ten years ago that Elvis and the Colonel came to Hawaii and performed at Block Arena raising over fifty thousand dollars and as a result we got the Arizona Memorial built. I wrote a letter two month ago to Colonel Parker asking him if there was anyway he could consider helping the Kui Lee Cancer Fund since it was known that Elvis was coming to Hawaii. I was lucky enough to get the letter to him personally and when he got to Hawaii he called me and the end result is that this morning a press conference was agreed upon and it was decided (that the proceeds from) the live concert will go to the Kui Lee Cancer Fund. And all we can do is say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the Cancer Society and the Kui Lee Cancer Fund and before I leave I would like to introduce Kui Lee’s widow Manni Lee. Manni Lee! So that’s it we will be very happy to have his money stay here in Hawaii for cancer research. Thank you.

Col. Tom Parker: I don’t get the kind of money Mr. Presley gets, so I don’t do interviews and picture of the family. (Author: what a jerk - he got 50%!)

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12 Apr. 2009 08:23 #728376 von Gelöschter Nick
Gelöschter Nick antwortete auf Interview, Hawaii, November 1972

Col. Tom Parker: I don’t get the kind of money Mr. Presley gets, so I don’t do interviews and picture of the family. (Author: what a jerk - he got 50%!)

Das war anscheinend schon ein richtig verlogenes freundliches Wesen. Bei all den Lügen denkt man aber auch noch mehr, was Elvis Presley selbst nur in sich dachte, als er das selbst hörte. Vielleicht war er nicht gut in Prozentrechnen.

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12 Apr. 2009 15:10 #728381 von peter
peter antwortete auf Interview, Hawaii, November 1972

Das war anscheinend schon ein richtig verlogenes freundliches Wesen. Bei all den Lügen denkt man aber auch noch mehr, was Elvis Presley selbst nur in sich dachte, als er das selbst hörte. Vielleicht war er nicht gut in Prozentrechnen.

Parker war eben ein "Carney" ein schausteller und Elvis war sein Zirkus Elefant, bis dahin kann man ja auch noch mitgehen, aber das er dann geld unterschlagen hat und selbst nach Elvis's Tod versuchte weitehin geld geraus zu ziehen und damit ein unmundiges kind um sein erbe betrügen wollte, war nicht zu letzt grund das ein richter parker jedweden einfluss geschäftlicher natur nach vernons Tod untersagte und ihn als unmoralisch und gierig bezeichnete.

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12 Apr. 2009 17:24 #728384 von Joe Spencer
Joe Spencer antwortete auf Interview, Hawaii, November 1972
Danke Peter für das komplette Interview

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18 Apr. 2009 11:08 #728863 von Gelöschter Nick
Gelöschter Nick antwortete auf Interview, Hawaii, November 1972
Ich wusste gar nicht, dass das Forum hier einen Wortfilter automatisch anwendet. "Freundliches Wesen" war glaube ich nicht meine Wortwahl.

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18 Apr. 2009 13:27 #728880 von Joe Spencer
Joe Spencer antwortete auf Interview, Hawaii, November 1972
Tja das Forum steckt voller Überraschung :up:

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