The Hidden Works Of The King

04 März 2003 12:16 #62529 von susan
The Hidden Works Of The King wurde erstellt von susan

Here is an update on the status of "The Hidden Works Of The King" electronic book for Elvis CD collectors. Revision 2 is on-target for a March 2003 release, and will contain 542 compact disc entries. The concert date section of the book not only lists 1843 concert dates (including show details, such as showtime, costume worn, attendance, etc), but also serves as a concert audiotape reference guide. The 542 CD entries also create a searchable list of 12,044 song entries - perfect for piecing together studio take variations spread across multiple CD titles, or locating each time a song was performed live. This revision also MANAGES your collection - you can flag any entry to indicate you own it, and enter extra information about YOUR copy too!

My web site ( ) now has the Windows help file available online for immediate download. This help file provides a context-sensitive user manual at your fingertips while using the book. If printed, it would require almost 40 pages and 36MB of disc space! The file download is 6MB in size, and does require Windows to run. Screen captures of every screen are there, along with detailed discussion on how to get the most out of the book. I recommend that ANYONE interested in my book should download the file and see how good this book really is! A direct download link is:

Everyone that has contacted me via email, as well as registered users of previous versions of the book, will automatically be emailed when the book has been burnt to CDR. So far the response has been outstanding, and I believe this is definately the BEST revision yet. Happy collecting!
Source: scott Daughtry

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05 März 2003 09:09 #62954 von Taniolo
Taniolo antwortete auf The Hidden Works Of The King
Hi Leutz,
hier schein es sich offensichtlich um eine sehr geniale Sache für Datenbankfreaks und Statistiker zu handeln. Das Ding gibt's schon länger und die Sache hat jetzt endlich ein Update erfahren , wie es scheint.
Falls irgendwer damit schon weitergehende Erfahrungen hat (über die oben verlinkte Help-Datei hinaus), fände ich das sehr interessant. Auf jeden Fall lohnt sich ein Blick in den obigen Link gewiss. :up:

... with a barefoot ballad you just can't go wrong.

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06 März 2003 13:56 #63257 von Vincent-The-Falcon
Vincent-The-Falcon antwortete auf The Hidden Works Of The King
Ist der Download umsonst? Oder wie?

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29 März 2003 13:17 #74089 von Taniolo
Taniolo antwortete auf The Hidden Works Of The King
Das war nur der Download des Help-Files, der einen Einblick gibt, was diese Database alles kann.
Hier die letzten News:

The Hidden Works of the King
Attention Elvis import collectors - the time has come!! The second revision to "The Hidden Works of the King" electronic book is finished and ready for shipping! This second release has 542 Compact Disc entries. Not only does it contain tracklist and origin information, but also has high quality artwork scans (front/back/cd/box) - you can even print jewel case inserts from the program! This release is now a true relational database format -vs- the compiled HTML of the previous release. All information within can be searched - if you need to know when a song was performed, or build a list of take numbers (and the CD's they can be found on) you can do it! A new concert database lists every show (1843 shows listed!) Elvis performed, and if a concert audiotape exists, it is documented too. The best part of this release is the ability to manage YOUR collection - if you own a CD entry, or a concert audiotape one simple mouseclick "marks" it in your collection.

Report capabilities can print items you own, or items you still need. A module is also available for traders and businesses that you deal with - no more Post-It notes! Graphic images stored inside the database are zoomable with a single mouseclick in a resizable popup window - you can even copy the image to the Windows clipboard for placing in your own graphics program! Screen sensitive help screens are a mouseclick (or F1 keypress) away (the 6MB help file is also downloadable directly from my web site) - it is so good that it doubles as a user manual! Owners of earlier releases of the book can upgrade for $10 (send your old registration code information); new purchase price is $25. Shipping & handling is $5 (USA or overseas). You can see what the program looks like, and ordering information here ( ). You will NOT be disappointed with this book; not only did I write it, but I also use it for my own collection!

Quelle: <a href=' ' target='_blank'>

... with a barefoot ballad you just can't go wrong.

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Moderatoren: Mike.S.
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