Vom Sammlerlabel "Follow That Dream" und Trevor Simpson (Autor der "Elvis - The Best Of British"-Bücher) wird für Ende August 2016 das 350 Seiten starke Buch "His Songs Of Praise - Volume 1" nebst Bonus-CD angekündigt.
Introduction By Elvis And Amazing Grace (Take 2 - Undubbed) - America The Beautiful (Composite) - Amen (20.03.1974 - Memphis) - An American Trilogy (14.01.1973 - Honolulu, Hawaii) - An Evening Prayer (Take 8) - Bridge Over Troubled Water (Unedited / Undubbed Master) - He Touched Me (Take 1) - Help Me (Undubbed Master) - I Believe (March Of Dimes Master Edit) - If That Isn't Love (Undubbed Take 4) - If We Never Meet Again (Take 1) - Elvis Talks About Spiritual Music & Joshua Fit The Battle (Take 4) - In My Father's House (Take 8) - Known Only To Him (Take 2) - Elvis Talks & I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs (Take 4) - Miracle Of The Rosary (Take 4 - Undubbed)
Elvis Presley Palm Sunday Special (19.03.1967 - Radio Program):
Introduction Radio Station KVIO (Sedona, AZ) - Announcer: How Great Thou Art - In The Garden - Announcer: Somebody Bigger Than You And I - Stand By Me - Announcer: Without Him - Where Could I Go But To The Lord - Announcer & Red Cross Message - Announcer: Where No One Stands Alone - Announcer: Crying In The Chapel - Announcer & KVIO: Farewell & Advert For HGTA Album
Bonus Song:
Listen To The Bells (Informal Jam With Imperials Quartet) - Hide Thou Me (Elvis At The Piano - Singing Gospel At Home) - If I Can Dream (Album Master)
Quelle: FTDElvis.Com

Quelle: ElvisMatters.Com
Das offizielle Sammler-Label "Follow That Dream" plant für Juni 2016 in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Fanclub "Flaming Star" die Buch- / CD-Kombination "Elvis Presley: Taking Care Of Business - In A Flash".
Das 450 Seiten starke Buch wird Details zu Elvis´ Leben und Karriere vom 1970 bis Anfang 1971 näher betrachten. Die Bonus-CD wird unveröffentlichte Studioaufnahmen vom Juni 1970 und Aufnahmen vom Konzert in Portland vom 11.11.1970 beinhalten.
Inhalt - CD - Studio Recordings:
Twenty Days And Twenty Nights (Undubbed Master) - How The Web Was Woven (Undubbed Master) - Bridge Over Troubled Water (Master Without Overdubbed Applause) - You Don't Have To Say You Love Me (Mono Single Version) - Patch It Up (Mono Single Version) - Elvis: That's The Way It Is (Trailer) - I Really Don't Want To Know (Mono Single Version) - There Goes My Everything (Mono Single Version)
11.11.1970 ES Portland:
Opening Theme / That's All Right - I Got A Woman / Amen - Monologue (I Walk The Line / Tiger Man (Excerpts) - Love Me Tender - You Don't Have To Say You Love Me - Sweet Caroline - You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' - Polk Salad Annie - Introductions (#1) - Johnny B. Goode - Introductions (#2) - Blueberry Hill (Excerpt) - How Great Thou Art - The Wonder Of You - Heartbreak Hotel - Blue Suede Shoes - Hound Dog - Bridge Over Troubled Water - Suspicious Minds - Funny How Time Slips Away - Can't Help Falling In Love - Closing Vamp / Announcemen
Elvis' Jaycees Award Acceptance Speech (16.01.1971)
Quelle: Verschiedene
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