Der Autor Paul Belard veröffentlichte "Elvis: January 6, 1957 - Third Ed Sullivan Show" und kündigt dieses wie folgt an:

"'Elvis January 6, 1957': Elvis’ third visit to Sullivan’s show, January 6th, 1957, would prove to be his last. Some have advanced that the astronomical fees his manager Tom Parker asked for future television appearances - US$300,000 with the promise of two guest spots and an hour long special - effectively killed any request from TV stations.

A huge and raucous audience turned up in to hear 'Hound Dog', 'Love Me Tender', 'Heartbreak Hotel', and 'Don’t Be Cruel', as well as newer material such as 'Too Much' and 'When My Blue Moon Turns to Gold Again', and 'Peace in the Valley'.

Many fans still believe that the gospel number was included as a wish from Elvis’ beloved mother, but a recently discovered letter suggests that the choice had more to do with a request from Ed Sullivan. During this sequence, Mr. Sullivan urged viewers to contribute to a Hungarian refugee relief fund Elvis supported.

The man who just a few months before had sworn not to have Elvis on his show, closed this evening by saying: "I wanted to say to Elvis Presley and the country that this is a real decent, fine boy, and wherever you go, Elvis, we want to say we’ve never had a pleasanter experience on our show with a big name than we’ve had with you. So now let’s have a tremendous hand for a very nice person!"

Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com

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