ISBN: 9798327133525
ISBN: 9798327131170Am 30.05.2024 erschien das 209 Seiten starke Buch "Elvis Presley: The Idol And The Man (Elvis Presley: O Ídolo E O Homem)" in englischer bzw. portugiesischer Sprache von Fabricio Sales.
Ankündigung des Autors:
"Music came into my life like a light in the darkness. She was the vehicle through which I was able to express not only joy and excitement, but also my vulnerability and sorrows. Through her, I learned that it is possible to transform pain into something beautiful, something that touches the souls of others. Music can heal the wounds that medicine can't touch.
My career has not only been a path of success, but also a journey of self-discovery and coping with adversity. Stardom carries with it a burden that only those who experience it can understand. In those moments, my faith was a refuge, a source of strength and renewal."I believe in the higher power of music," that belief kept me anchored in the most turbulent of times.
But most of all, I learned about love. The love of my mother, who always believed in me, the love of my wife and my daughter, who gave me a purpose beyond music. And the love of you, my fans, who gave me strength in moments of doubt. "Love is something you never lose, even when your heart stops beating," and it's that love that still keeps me alive in many hearts.
So, to those of you reading this, remember: life is a song to be sung with all your heart. Face your fears, embrace your passions, and most of all, love deeply. The curtains may close, but the melodies we play, those will remain forever."
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