202020002A500202020002A500"Paradise Road Records" veröffentlcht die CD "Elvis Sings Don´t Cry Daddy And Other Great Songs!" mit 29 Live Songs von Elvis vom Februar 1970 aus dem International Hotel in Las Vegas.

Inhalt - 21.02.1970 M/S:
Opening Vamp - All Shook Up - I Got A Woman - Long Tall Sally - Monologue - Don't Cry Daddy - Monologue - Hound Dog - Love Me Tender - Kentucky Rain (Incomplete) . Let It Be Me (Incomplete) - I Can't Stop Loving You - Walk A Mile In My Shoes - In The Ghetto - Sweet Caroline - Polk Salad Annie - Celebrity Introductions - Suspicious Minds - Can't Help Falling In Love

05.02.1970 D/S:
See See Rider

03.02.1970 D/S:
Kentucky Rain - Don't Cry Daddy - Let It Be Me

05.02.1970 D/S:
In The Ghetto - Teddy Bear / Don't Be Cruel - Don't Cry Daddy

22.02.1970 M/S:
Introduction Of Roy Orbison

21.02.1970 D/S:
When The Swallows Come Back To Capistrano (One Line)

20.02.1970 M/S:
Suspicious Minds (With Reprise)

Quelle: Elvis.Com.Au

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