Viva Porthcawl! The Official Story Of The Porthcawl Elvis Festival

06 Okt. 2020 09:06 #942361 von Charles
Von Emily Price stammt das bei "Harris Printers" erscheinende Buch "Viva Porthcawl! The Official Story Of The Porthcawl Elvis Festival" und dieses wird mit folgenden Worten angekündigt:

“When asked to write this book I decided right from the start it had to be about the hard working people involved in this fantastic festival. I didn’t want it to be about facts and figures of how many shows take place or how much profit it rakes in, but about how every character is integral to the running of the event.

The people involved are what makes the story of the Porthcawl Elvis Festival so unique. Thank you to Peter Phillips for asking me to write this book and taking me to Porthcawl to meet the people involved. The writing of this book required hours of interviews with key individuals and it was a pleasure talking to all of you. In the words of Elvis Presley, “Thank you very much…”

Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com | HarrysPrinters.Co.Uk

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