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Anita Wood
- Angie
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Sie sagt, dass sie sich mit Elvis über die Familienplanung unterhalten hat. Wenn sie ein Mädchen bekommen hätten, hätte es Alisa-Marie geheißen. Anita Wood heißt Anita-Marie Wood. Der Junge sollte Elvis Aron Presley Junior heißen.
Sie sagt auch, dass sie noch lange Kontakt zueinander hatten, und Elvis oft zweifelte, ob es richtig war sich zu trennen.
Na ja, sagen kann man hinterher immer viel.

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Hier hat sie dunkle Haare. Ob Elvis das so wollte ?
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Auf diesem Bild sehen wir ((hintere Reihe) Judy Spreckles, Cousine Patsy, Tante Vesta, (vordere Reihe) Anita Wood, Gladys, Vernon
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Och, ist ja super die Erklärung.Das untere Bild könnte man mit „Tränen beim Abschied“ bezeichnen, denn es wurde am Tag von Elvis’ Einberufung (24.März 1958), aufgenommen, kurz bevor er in den Bus nach Fort Chaffee einsteigt. Natürlich weint da wohl nicht nur Gladys.
Auf diesem Bild sehen wir ((hintere Reihe) Judy Spreckles, Cousine Patsy, Tante Vesta, (vordere Reihe) Anita Wood, Gladys, Vernon

Vielen lieben Dank!

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- Gelöschter Nick
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Am 8.Juli 1957 macht Cliff Gleaves Elvis auf dessen Wunsch mit Anita Wood bekannt. Abends besuchen die beiden das Strand Theater in Memphis, um sich den Aufbau einer Spezialleinwand für die Premiere des Films "Loving You" anzuschauen.
Anita Wood, DiKjockey, Sängerin und Filmsternchen aus Memphis war lange Zeit seine ständige Begleiterin. Gladys redete ihrem Sohn die Heiratspläne aus. Elvis zu dieser Beziehung: " Sie war mir sehr nah, war mehr als meine Mutter. Sie war eine Freundin, mit der ich zu jeder Tag- und Nachtzeit reden konnte, wenn ich ein Problem hatte. Ich wurde manchmal sauer, wenn sie mir etwas verbot, aber ich fand heraus, daß sie fast in allem Recht hatte. Sie versuchte immer, mich zu bremsen, wenn ich heiraten wollte. Sie hatte Recht. Es nützte meiner Karriere, unverheiratet zu sein".
Und hier noch Ausschnitte aus einem Interview mit Anita Wood zum Kennenlernen:
Q : When did you first meet Elvis?
A : Well, I met Elvis in 1957. I was on Top 10 Dance Party on WHPQ radio television in Memphis at the time. And it was a popular dance show that they had every Saturday afternoon. The teenagers would come and dance and Wink Martindale and I would introduce the songs and the people and the children and the teenagers that were there. And he watched that show a lot. And one Saturday after the show, he had Lamar Fike call me on the phone and he wanted a date to see me that night. Well, I already had a date with Jimmy Omar and I wouldn't break the date and Lamar went ballistic. I mean he just could not believe -- "You won't break a date to go with Elvis Presley. Are you crazy?" I mean, you know, he just really went wild. And I said, "Well, I don't believe Elvis would like that if I did that to him if I had a date with him and broke it for someone else. So, I'm sorry I can't do that because I already have plans." So anyway, he got really angry and hung up the phone. And I thought, well, I'll never hear from him again. And to be honest with you, I really wasn't an Elvis fan at that time. But it so happens a couple of weeks later he called again. And the next time, I did not have a date. So I was able to go.
Q : How was that first meeting like with Elvis? Did he introduce himself to you?
A : Well, Lamar Fike -- one of the guys that worked at the TV station was George Klein and another guy by the name of, I can't remember his name. But a couple of cameramen there knew him and of course I knew them working there. So and also Cliff Gleaves was with his entourage and Cliff was from my hometown of Jackson, Tennessee. He was a little older than I was but I knew his brother and I knew Cliff or I knew of him. And I was living with a lady by the name of Ms. Patty at the time. And she was like a surrogate mother. She was a little hen -- mother hen over me. And I was in Memphis working and just come from college and just away from home. And back in those days people were very protective of their daughters and I lead a very structured strict life upbringing. So when I came to Memphis, Ms. Patty took me under her wing and I lived with her while I was working on television.
So on this night Lamar said we'll be over to see you about eightish, eight I guess he said. So, I got dressed and ready and when they drove up in the Cadillac. They had a big long black Cadillac and George Klein came to the door. And George says, "I'm here to pick up Anita." And Ms. Patty says, "No. I'm sorry. If he wants to see her, he'll have to come to the door and pick her up." So he went back to the car and Elvis got out of the car and came to the door. And came in and met Ms. Patty and George introduced him to me and we just had a little conversation there in the living room. Ms. Patty said, "Now, you have her back at a reasonable hour." I mean she was very protective. So after she met us, she allowed me to go with him. And we went out into the car and I remember there was Cliff Gleaves in the back seat and George and this other young man. I can't remember his name right now. He was really a good friend. I really liked him. I just can't remember his name and it was a friend of Alan Fortas's. And maybe Alan was in the car at that time and then Elvis was driving. So I got in the car and sat on my side of the seat because in those days that's what you did. And so then Elvis started around like we did many, many dates that we had just drive around Memphis.
And then we went to stopped by Crystal. I didn't realize how much he liked Crystals. But anyway, Lamar went in and bought about three dozen or five dozen Crystal hamburgers and they came back to the car and all the guys ate every one of them. I don't even like Crystal hamburgers but that was okay. I can't imagine that many hamburgers and they just woofed them down. Then we continued driving around some more. And then Elvis said, "Would you like to come out and see Graceland?" He just purchased Graceland at the time. And I said, "Sure. You know, I'd love to." Because I felt really at ease because of the guys in the back seat that I knew. Not knowing Elvis, but I'll tell you this, he was made a good impression on me because he was so good looking. He had a red velvet -- and this was in the summer or spring. He had a red velvet long sleeve puppy shirt on and I think he had worn it in a movie. He had just made Loving You when I met him and he had this shirt on, these black trousers and I think he had like a motorcycle cap on and he was very handsome. I mean, I have to say that Elvis was the most handsome man I'd ever seen before or after. I'd never seen anybody as handsome as he. He was just very good looking, you know. And then as I got to meet him and know him, he had a very good personality: funny, pulling pranks and laughing. But anyway, so he was a very good-looking man at this point and he had my attention somewhat.
So we went to Graceland and he proceeded to show him around Graceland and I think he gave me a Teddy bear that night that he had in his dining room, pink and black Teddy bear. And he gave that to me and he showed me all the rooms and introduced me to his mother and dad and to his grandmother. They were all there. And we visited and listened to some music, played the piano awhile. And he said, "Come up. I want to show me my office and what's upstairs." I said, "Okay." So we went upstairs and of course he took me to his bedroom and it was a dark, navy blue dark drapes and the huge -- the biggest bed I'd ever seen in my life. I mean it was really a big bed and mirrors all around everywhere. It was just very dark. And so he said, "This is my bedroom." And his bathroom I remember had baby blue carpet, carpet all over the floor and light blue mirrors everywhere. And then the closets he showed me on both sides and they were just filled with his clothes. He never wore the same thing twice. You know, he'd just take them off and dump them. I don't think he ever wore the same thing twice. But anyway, all these clothes on both sides and he just showed me his room. I thought that was very nice. And his office was right there next to it. And then we were talking and then he began to sit me down on the pit and he kissed and, you know, in those days, people didn't kiss on their first date, not ever. So, you know, that was just I didn't want to like that. Because I don't care who he was, you know, and then he began to try to get a little fresh with me. And I said, "Oh, no. That won't work. You know, you're gonna have to take me home." So he said, "Okay." And he took me downstairs and took me home. He was a gentleman about it. He was very nice. But he did try to get fresh the first date, but he didn't get to first base. It didn't work.
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Das Interview ist interessant.
Leider kann ich nicht alles übersetzen. Bin nicht so gut. :tuety:
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hä, wieso DAS denn nichtLeider kann ich nicht alles übersetzen. Bin nicht so gut. :tuety:

DU hattest doch mittlerweile 18 Jahre Zeit gehabt um die englische Sprache zu erlernen

Ihr immer mit eurer Ausrede wir hatten ja kein englisch sondern russisch in der Schule

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Clubmagazin Nr. 131 Seite 24.Habe mir vorgestern das Interview durchgelesen. (Magazin ECB)
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Clubmagazin Nr. 131 Seite 24.

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