In der nächsten Ausgabe des "Rolling Stone" (ab 27.07.2017 erhältlich) wird es ein großes Special zum 40. Todestag von Elvis geben. Es trägt den Titel "Die Legende lebt" und wird wie folgt angekündigt:
"Elvis Presley: Die Legende lebt
Vor 40 Jahren starb Elvis Presley. Doch als Mythos, Mode-Ikone, als erster Popstar der globalisierten Kultur ist Elvis lebendiger denn je.
Arne Willander, Jens Balzer, Wolfgang Doebeling und Jenni Zylka würdigen den King of Rock’n’Roll: Seine letzten Jahre, seine besten Platten, seine schrecklichen Filme, seine pompösen Kostüme, seine schönsten Epigonen – eine Reise von Memphis bis Tokio"
Ebenfalls wird es bei dieser Ausgbe die "Rare Trax"-CD „All Shook Up“ (Nummer 107) veröffentlicht, welche mit folgenden Worten angeündigt wird:
"Die Songs, mit denen Elvis zu Weltruhm gelangte, wurden unzählige Male gecovert, von manchen als weihevolle Ehrerbietung, von anderen als lustvolle Rock’n’Roll-Dekonstruktion. Unsere Rare-Trax-CD zum Elvis-Special bietet ein paar inzwischen selbst legendär gewordene Interpretationen und einige weniger bekannte, jedoch nicht minder aufregende Coverversionen"
Suspicious Minds (Amanda Lear) - Heartbreak Hotel (Kirschbaum Weishoff Trio) - Viva Las Vegas (The Dead Kennedys) - Hound Dog (Buddy Lucas) - Blue Moon Revisited (Song For Elvis) (The Cowboy Junkies) - Are You Lonesome Tonight (Lisa Bassenge) - All Shook Up (The Space Lady) - Little Linda (Little Sister) (Ted Herold) - Love Me Tender (The Residents)
Darüber hinaus wird dem Magazin eine limitierte Single mit SUN-Label beiliegen.
Single-Inhalt - Seite A:
Good Rockin´ tonight
Seite B:
Blue Moon
Quelle: RollingStone.De
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Erik Lorentzen kündigt für den September 2017 die Ausgabe 21 in den sozialien Netzwerken an und dieses hat u. a. folgende Themen:
- 1956: Elvis Visiting Las Vegas
- Elvis Presley: To Sing The Gospel Story
- 1961: Meeting Elvis - A Dream Came True
u. v. m.
Quelle: ElvisFiles.No
Das englische Magazin "The Oldie" veröffentlicht im August 2017 den 2 seitigen Artikel "The King And Us" von Andrew M. Brown mit Bildern von Elvis´ Aufenthalt in Prestwick, Schottland.
Ankündigung des Verlages:
"It’s hard to believe that nearly forty years have passed since it fell to Reginald Bosanquet – at the very end of News at Ten on 16th August 1977 – to announce to the British people that there were unconfirmed reports Elvis Presley had died.
There was a commercial break and then, in an ITN newsflash, Reggie confirmed the awful news. Back then, all the newsreaders carefully spaced out the words ‘rock – and – roll’. Elvis probably only visited Britain for two hours, when stopping off for refuelling at Prestwick USAF base in 1960.
But he always had a peculiar affinity with the British, and he himself was more British than you might realise. Along with those powerful genetic and cultural influences most people know about – the Red Indian ancestry, the black music that shaped him – the great bulk of Elvis’s heritage, like that of most white..."
Quelle: TheOldie.Co.Uk
Das Magazin "The Elvis Files" von Erik Lorentzen erscheint im Juni 2017 in der Ausgabe 20 und hat u. a. folgende Themen:
- 1956: What Makes Him Rock?
- 1961: Ocala Reidents Remember
- 1962: Seattle´s September
u. v. m.
Quelle: ElvisFiles.No
Das neue "Record Collector" ziert Elvis auf dem Cover und beinhaltet wieder zahlreiche Artikel zum Thema.
Quelle: RecordCollectorMag.Com
Beim deutschsprachigen Magazin "Golden Boy Elvis" steht Ausgabe 2 des Jahres 2017 in den Startlöchern und dieses hat u. a. folgende Themen zum Inhalt:
- His Songs Of Praise: Volume 2
- FTD: Las Vegas ´74; A Date With Elvis
- Suzi Quatro und Elvis
- Die Geschichte des Hotels Grunewald
- u. v. m.
"Vintage Rock" veröffentlicht zum 40. Todestag von Elvis das Magazin "Elvis - A Celebration" und kündigt es mit folgenden Worten an:
"Here’s a legend of rock’n’roll past who’s now likely worth well over $400 million, and there’s no signs that his flourishing afterlife is set to diminish one iota. Presidents may come and go, but Elvis, it seems, will always be among us – and if the recent starry-eyed chart-topping albums produced in conjunction with the Royal Philharmonic are anything to go by, his music is still very much in demand four decades after his death.
Those albums meant finally Elvis took the title for most #1 UK solo albums, so there are clearly still new fans discovering Elvis, while for others his music forms an immovable mainstay of their playlists.
Graceland, his palatial home in Memphis, attracts over half a million pilgrims a year (second only to the White House in visitor numbers); there are now more Elvis impersonators than ever before, and Presley memorabilia is still very much on the up and up.
He may not be living on the moon, but for all intents and purposes Elvis Presley is still alive and kicking. And whilst every exacting detail about his mammoth catalogue is out there, from all the various outtakes through to the minutiae behind every song, there are still plenty of layers to be peeled back to reveal the human being living within the shell of the ‘King Of Rock’n’Roll’.
How much of Elvis’ life was out of his control? How many of his choices were actually his own? In this special tribute, we attempt to unlock the complex machinations of a man whose fame had entirely taken over his existence; a man who seemed to be in search of something bigger – and a man who relied on a network of others, whether he wanted to or not.
From his relationship with manager Colonel Tom Parker to his various band members, his infamous Memphis Mafia clique and beyond, we explore the inside stories that shed light on the inner workings of Elvis Aaron Presley.
Few people outside his inner circle got to see the human being as he was: introspective, caring and – in many ways – forever bound to his chosen path. It’s a double-edged sword if ever there was one…"
Quelle: VintageRockMag.Com