Nach der CD-Veröffentlichung "Elvis Presley - Recorded Live At The Fontainebleau" erscheint auf dem "Memphis Mansion"-Label nun auch eine MC-Version der besagten Show.

Möglicher Inhalt - Fontainebleau Hotel, Miami, Florida, 26.03.1960:
It's Nice To Go A Travelling (Opening - Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra, Joey Bishop, Sammy Davis Jr. & Elvis Presley) - Frank’s Time Machine (Frank Sinatra & Joey Bishop) - Witchcraft (Frank Sinatra) - There's A Boat That's Leavin' Soon For New York (Sammy Davis Jr.) - Japanese Wedding Celebration Dance Sequence (The Nelson Riddle Orchestra With Leona Irwin & The Tom Hansen Dancers) - Gone With The Wind (Frank Sinatra) - Uh! Oh! (The Nutty Squirrels - The Tom Hansen Dancers Sequence) - Recall The Oscars / All The Way (Impersonations - Sammy Davis Jr.) - Shall We Dance (Sammy Davis Jr & Peter Lawford) - Frank Sinatra Talks - Fame And Fortune (Elvis Presley) - StuckOnYou (Elvis Presley) - Love Me Tender / Witchcraft And Reprise (Frank Sinatra & Elvis Presley) - You Make Me Feel So Young / Let’s Dance (Frank Sinatra & Nancy Sinatra) - It's Nice To Go Travelling (Closing - Frank Sinatra)

Quelle: MemphisMansion.Dk

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