Vom Label "Memphis Music Today" erscheinen 3 verschiedene Volume in limitierter Auflage auf rotem, blauem und gemischtfarbigen Vinyl unter dem Titel "Elvis - 827 Thomas Street".

Inhalt - Seite A - Volume 1: 
After Loving You (Unedited Master Take 4) - In The Ghetto (Take 5, 6, 7) - If I’m A Fool (For Loving You) (Take 4, 5) - If I’m A Fool (For Loving You) (Unedited Undubbed Master Take 9) - Hey Jude (Take 6 + Undubbed Master Take 7) - Long Black Limousine (Take 1, 2)

Seite B:
I’m Movin’ On (Fully Overdubbed Take 2) - Inherit The Wind (Fully Overdubbed Vocal Overdub #2) - From A Jack To A King (Take 4 - Inclusive False Starts) - Long Black Limousine (Take 3, 4 , 5) - Long Black Limousine (Vocal Repair Master Take 9) - Only The Strong Survive (Rehearsal, Take 2, 3)

Seite C:
Rubberneckin’ (Partially Overdubbed Take 2) - In The Ghetto (Take 8, 9, 10) - In The Ghetto (Partially Overdubbed Master Take 22) - From A Jack To A King (Undubbed Unrepaired Master Take 5) - Only The Strong Survive (Take 4 - Inclusive False Starts) - True Love Travels On A Gravel Road (Take 8, 9) - True Love Travels On A Gravel Road (Take 3)

Seite D:
And The Grass Won’t Pay No Mind (Take 4) - And The Grass Won’t Pay No Mind (Unrepaired Undubbed Master Take 6) - Kentucky Rain (Take 4, 9 - Inclusive False Starts) - Do You Know Who I Am? (Take 2 - Inclusive False Starts) - Any Day Now (Take 3 - Inclusive False Starts) - Gentle On My Mind (Vocal Overdub Master Take 3)

Volume 2 - Seite A:
Any Day Now (Unrepaired Undubbed Master Take 6) - Only The Strong Survive (Take 7, 8 - inclusive False Starts) - Only The Strong Survive (Take 11) - True Love Travels On A Gravel Road (Take 5) - Wearin’ that Loved On Look (Take 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) - Wearin’ that Loved On Look (Take 11) - Wearin’ That Loved On Look (Draft Tape Mix)

Seite B:
A Little Bit Of Green (Unedited Unrepaired Master Take 3) - This Is The Story (Take 1, Partially Overdubbed Master Take 2) - Don’t Cry Daddy (Acetate Version) - Inherit The Wind (Partially Overdubbed Draft Tape Composite) - Suspicious Minds (Partially Overdubbed Master Take 8) - It’s My Way / This Time / I Can’t Stop Loving You (Jam)

Seite C:
Do You Know Who I Am? (Take 6, 7 - Unrepaired Undubbed Master) - You’ll Think Of Me (Take 14) - Only The Strong Survive (Take 5, 6 - inclusive False Starts) - My Little Friend (Unedited Undubbed Master)

Seite D:
Who Am I? (Undubbed Master Take 1) - Without Love (Undubbed Master Take 5) - It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin’(Undubbed Master Take 3 - inclusive False Starts) - Mama Liked The Roses (Harmony Vocal Overdub Master) - Power Of My Love (Take 4 - inclusive False Starts)

Volume 3 - Seite A:
Power Of My Love (Take 5, 6a, 6b) - Stranger In My Own Home Town (Unedited Undubbed Master) - I’ll Be There (Alternate Master #6 With Excessive Vocal Echo) - The Fair’s Moving On (Vocal Overdubbed Master Take 1)

Seite B:
Gentle On My Mind (Vocal Overdubbed Master - Organ Mix Version) - Suspicious Minds (Extended Master Without Fade) - In The Ghetto (Partially Overdubbed Master Take 22 - Urepaired Vocal) - Poor Man’s Gold (Take 1 With Vocal Overdub) - In The Ghetto (21.08.1969 MS)

Seite C:
Suspicious Minds (21.08.1969 MS) - Hey Jude (24.08.1969 MS) - Inherit The Wind (26.08.1969 DS) - Rubberneckin’(26.08.1969 MS) - This Is The Story (26.08.1969 MS)

Seite D:
True Love Travels On A Gravel Road (26.01.1970) - Kentucky Rain (23.02.1970 CS) - Don’t Cry Daddy (23.02.1970 CS) - After Loving You (Home Recording February 1966) - Memory Revival (Instrumental) - Poor Man’s Gold (Instrumental Track)

Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com

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