Kieran Davis kündigt eine "50th Anniversary"-Ausgabe seines Buches "Elvis On Tour: November 1971" an und dieses wird wie folgt beworben:

"The '50th Anniversary' edition of his 'Elvis On Tour November 1971' is expected around the middle of November. As with our expanded edition of 'Live At The International,' much new information and images have been added taking the page count from 150 to 368. As always there is comprehensive text to present the tour in its greatest detail, plus archival documents and memorabilia, colour and black and white photographs, and fan stories.

There is some additional good news in that we are able to price this book lower than 'Live At The International'. This is partly because of the lower page count, but with the cost of everything going up we decided being able to reduce the price so that more fans can afford our books was the way to go. To do this, however, it means we are no longer going to wholesale our books. As 80 percent of our books are sold direct to customers it was decided reducing the price overall was more important than being able to offer both retail and wholesale. Additionally customs and duty problems with cases of books has become far too common and we have decided to avoid the issue completely. Our apologies to anyone who this might inconvenience."

Quelle: ElvisDayByDay.Com

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